Quotes4Life - 130k Quotes

4.2 ( 6942 ratings )
Manuály Zábava
Vývojář: Unicorn Multimedia
0.99 USD


Quotes4Life is the ultimate quotes app around. With over 130,000 quotes from over 60,000 current and historical figures you will never see the same quote twice. If you check out a quote a day, you have enough quotes to keep you busy for 350+ years (hence the name)!

Motivational, witty, inspiring, and insightful are the quotes in this app. They cover a wide range of categories from romance, war, politics, humour, human experience and knowledge.

New quotes are added weekly to our ever expanding collection. If you have any comments or concerns please e-mail [email protected] for a prompt response.

Enjoy and remember, "Knowledge is power!"